I will answer for Caputzidis for the first and the last time – Newsbeast


The guest of Gregory Arnaoutoglou's show "The 2Night Show" Dimitris the Hungarianwho, among others, mentioned the recent public opposition with him George Kapoutzidis. The presenter pointed out that he did not want to follow, but he wanted to give some explanations.

"I have redid it three times and I have repeated it.I do not want to continue.I will answer for the first time and last time.I had a very specific reason I l & # 39; I mentioned, I've had the opportunity, George had a very good message, Behind the road and having some things in my mind that came to the fore by George himself – I'm referring to to Tina Messaropoulou and the threatening messages that he said he received from him – I said that the purpose does not sanctify the means.

You can not convince anyone that he is against violence by slapping him. I respect George. I did not speak at all after that because I think that he started hurting a bit and I said to him: stop here because you are going to start sweeping the mud and that's it. ;is wrong. That's why I stopped it. I did not get anything, he did not give me a hand. It never happened … "he says.

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