Five months of suspended sentence in power


Under a five-month suspended sentence, suspended by the Athens Intermediate Monopoly Court of First Instance, the ruling member of Rouvikona was tried for attempted unlawful violence.

The accused sat on the dock during a phone call he allegedly made to the Red Cross Hospital, asking, as the police say, to remove the police from the police station. guard of a wounded man during Episodes of the Polytechnic School.

"They make fun of duvars of the ramparts"

After his departure from Evelpidon's courts, the anti-author announced the decision, through Facebook, to mark his trial of "parody".

5 months in jail, I ate today in another parody trial.For the phone call to Red.Prosearch was based on the testimony of a person who n? was not in the folder! They laugh duvars of the ramparts. The prosecutor stated that we had gone to hunt the custody of our prisoner friend before the state police officer himself said that our hospitalized companion was not a prisoner.

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