"Grabbed" Paraskevopoulos – Venizelos: "Calm down" – "I'm not your psychoanalyst"


The reason was the appointment of Mr. Venizelos, who was fully aware of the major changes brought about by the revision of Article 86 of the Constitution, the abolition of the same crimes, the jury was replaced by a simple committee which gives rise to a reference or an exportable measure.

This position triggered the reaction of Mr. Paraskevopoulos following the following dialogue:

E. Venizelos: Mr. Paraskevopoulos, you are exposed to the interventions you make.

N. Paraskevopoulos: I apply the law even though I am exposed. The peace!

E. Venizelos: Calm down if you do not like what you hear!

N. Paraskevopoulos: Complete and leave a psychological advice!

E. Venizelos: No, I'm not your psychobadyst! You make a constitutional revision with political cynicism without a constitutional basis. Thus, the Constitution is not being revised.

Otherwise, Mr. Venizelos attacked the government, accusing it of trying to revise the Constitution as it pleases, while advocating the revision of Article 86 of its ministry.

"The biggest false news is being organized and reproduced. The false news was systematically cultivated by Mr. Tsoupras and his government partner, Mr. Kammenos"He told the commission and recalled that the article in question had been voted in 2001 by 268 deputies, those of the KKE and the SYN at the time, to abstain.

"All MPs from New Democracy voted overwhelmingly, with the exception of Konstantinos Mitsotakis and Dora Bakoyannis", He said in answering the critics of Panos Kammenos and ANEL, said that"then they solemnly voted and Mr. Kammenos and Mr. Sgouridis and Mrs. Kollia".

Read also:

Bartholomew to Tsipras: "No" to any modification of Article 3 of the Constitution

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