Optics: EOPY's interim solution – This will compensate policyholders


Extend the power of execution of all electronic visuals for visuals issued or to be issued in October, November and December 2018 by one of the in three months he said EOPYY.

As stated by the Organization, insured persons will have a reasonable period of time to find optics store who will accept the compensation with the "payment declaration".

It is recalled that October 1st has changed the optician's system as a insured can with a voucher of value 100 euros buy visually at affiliated stores.

However Opticians refuse to contract with EOPYY because they fear being paid late.

Therefore, the board of directors. the EEIG, taking into account the suffering of the beneficiaries, decided:

1. Extend from one to three months the execution of all the opinions of the electronic opticians issued or to be issued in October, November and December 2018 in order to give policyholders a reasonable time to find the store of an optician who will receive an allowance with "certificate of payment".

2. To issue a directive to all WIPO to receive requests for badured compensation for this expenditure, together with the necessary supporting documents, namely:

(a) electronic notice,

(b) proof of payment,

c) the certificate of the shop of the optician,

d) the presentation of the shows purchased for display and

(e) the coupon for the months of October and November.

3. The Panhellenic Association of Optics and Optometrists should be invited to a meeting with representatives of the Organization and badociations of insured persons.

4. In any case, the Agency is reserved for the exercise of any legal remedy to badert the rights of its insured.

EOPYY in his communication asks its insured to actively support the new procedure for granting and clearing optics / glbades Whereas the new procedure:

a) The insured is not required to advance the amount of the payment as provided in the procedure until 30/09/2018.

b) The insured is not obliged to contact the EOPYY regional offices to present the necessary supporting documents.

"EOPYY and the Ministry of Health are concerned and aim to make life easier for citizens by simplifying the procedure, which is not aimed at the difficult operation of optician stores."The Organization emphasizes and emphasizes the following points:
  • EOPYY has no outstanding debt vis-à-vis opticians. Since 2012 until the new procedure, compensation has been paid directly to the insured himself. All arrears are payable to EFCA.
  • With regard to the reimbursement of opticians' stores, we note that cash and refunds are guaranteed per month, as is the case for all health professionals working with the Agency.
  • There are secure funds of € 50,000,000 to compensate for this service which, according to data from 2018, is considered sufficient.
  • Offsetting coupons does not mean signing a contract with EOPYY. In this case, simply create an electronic transaction code with EOPYY with only mandatory proof of the production of legal licenses.

"In view of the foregoing, we call on opticians to show confidence in this new process, respect for the law and, above all, the service of citizens, the ultimate recipients of their services."The announcement of the agency ends.

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