The city offers money to acquire residents! [pics]


And his name: Tulsa! The city located in Oklahoma, United States, donates $ 10,000 to become resident of …

Naturally, the needs are specific and concern the builders and the generally active people who will contribute to its reform and modernization.

In return, your travel expenses, the rent of your accommodation and the search for a job will be guaranteed for people who agree to settle in Tulsa.

What will the city do? It wants to reduce somewhat the distance that separates it from the big cities that have accumulated the largest proportion of the population and the working population.

Unique conditions defined:

Candidates are adults and work in companies that allow them to be employed remotely.

Tulsa has about 400,000 residents and the state of Oklahoma City to which it belongs, less than 4 million.

The example of Tulsa followed other cities like Baltimore and Vermont, corrupting their new residents.

Finally, all of the above privileges apply to permanent residents of the United States, visas and immigrants holding documents of permanent residence and work.

Hello, I own the failure and I will live here for a year 🙂 @ end to end pls give me $ 10,000 dollars

– sam 🙂 (@ sammysauce16) November 28, 2018

I think it's crazy #Tulsa wants to donate more than $ 10,000 and a living / creative space for people to settle here instead of helping those who work, blood, sweat and tears for the city. Hope everything changes soon.

– MaliMotives (@MalachiJacob) November 17, 2018


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