The list of the healthiest nations in the world


The list of the healthiest and least healthy nations in the world has been published, after research, the British Legatum Institute.

The list of 149 countries was based on variables such as life expectancy, causes of death and the most common health problems in each country, such as blood pressure, vaccination rates, diabetes, malnutrition, obesity and availability. drinking water.

In addition, the researchers took into account the feelings of joy, sadness, anxiety and satisfaction of the residents of the health services in their country, as well as the situation of the hospitals.

Singapore ranks highest on the list of the healthiest nations, while Luxembourg and Japan rank second and third, respectively.


As for Greece, our country is in 46th place, ahead of Paraguay, Turkey and China.

The quality of life of people improves worldwide, but the gap between "the best and the worst" is widening more than ever, according to experts who sound the alarm.

The gap shows huge inequities in health, finance, politics, education and security.

It should be noted that the most important development has been observed in Zimbabwe, where life expectancy has increased by 15 years over the last decade.

See the list:


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