Hidden message to red scary Christmas trees? – Psychologists interpret


The ink between the red Christmas trees that adorned the White House corridor remained a word on Twitter for several days and a point of reference for many theories.

It seems excessive to organize such a "fair" around decorationbut when we talk about the first lady of the United States who seduces the conspirators, it is rather natural to comment on each choice and movement.

Everyone also remembers what she recently revealed for the jacket and conclude that Inlaine likes hidden messages.

Blandly and rather gloomy, many people say that the subject was not very elegant this year, but there is also a more extreme camp.

What hides the first lady in the choice of decoration? What is the message? What do red trees mean?

Melania responded by insisting that they looked great in the red trees and that it was a matter of taste …

"It's even more beautiful than that.You are all invited to visit the White House," the first lady of the United States

First Lady Melania Trump at the White House: "I find them fantastic, I hope everyone will come in. In real life they are even more beautiful." pic.twitter.com/oVSLh165Qe

– Kyle Morris (@RealKyleMorris) November 28, 2018

Twitter has fun …

Melania trees or car wash. pic.twitter.com/XaJu1k9MDP

– GogynyDe (@gogynyde) November 26, 2018

Decorator: Okay, so we want to avoid looking like the entrance to the White Witch 's Narnian Castle, as we did last year.

Melania: And the red?

Decorator: Of course, red ornaments are gay!

Melania: No. Red trees.

Decorator: ….

Melania: Like the blood of my enemies. pic.twitter.com/hOuDYFT8Om

– about Jane (@sgtjanedoe) November 26, 2018

The 2018 White House holiday decor of Melania includes red blood trees and a crown of pencils & # 39; Be Best & # 39; https://t.co/EHszB80ki5 pic.twitter.com/evzrLo6jru

– Prepared stories (@TechCured) November 26, 2018

It is this time of year in the White House … pic.twitter.com/7BEQ28neLj

– ✨Rey Skywalker ✨ (@Rey_Sistance) November 26, 2018

Bold choice with decorations inspired by the story of the maid. pic.twitter.com/Ze2kZX65lp

Nick Jack Pappas (@Pappiness) November 26, 2018

And the Guardian, which does not let anything fall, welcomes the interpretations of psychologists!

The guardian writes:

Dr. Toby of Israel, one of the foremost scientists in the field of decorating psychology, explains that the "heavy" red scene keeps the viewer away from the nature and tranquility badociated with the natural world.

"Unlike the red trees of the White House, the traditional green Christmas tree connects man to the best of nature," says Dr. Toby "Although here I do not recognize it as a tree as something that connects us to the cosmos. "

Sally Augustin, an environmental psychologist who manages the scientific consultations, said that "red can have a cognitive and cultural meaning". "In itself, the red can mark the danger.Along the green, it is an integral part of the traditional Christmas palette.The reaction can be related to the way someone lives it," he said. declared.

The Washington Post mentions the choice of red as an extension of the corridors found in the presidential seal designed by the founding fathers of the American nation. A symbol of courage and bravery.

Dr. Birman, a psychologist at the University of Chicago who has studied the interconnection of human consciousness with nature, commented on his side that even when we can not interact directly with nature, the viewing of faithful copies can have a stimulating effect. "

But "there is nothing really natural" in these red trees. "The low level of the fractal structure is there, but the colors are completely artificial, so everyone understands that it's anthropogenic," Berman concludes.

Tell us what you understood …

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