Falling stock market, weak business activity


At a slightly lower level, the stock market closed due to weak trading activity.

The general price index closed at 603.11 points, down 0.19%. End of session moved to a narrow range of 5 points. It recorded a higher price at 606.71 (+ 0.41%) and a lower price at 601.70 points (-0.42%).

The value of the transactions amounted to 37,009 million euros and 31,164,996 shares were traded.

The large-cap index rose 0.23%, while the mid-cap index fell to 3.17%.

Among the sub-indices, food and food products (+ 1.64%) and personal products (+ 1.34%) recorded the largest increase, while the most important was recorded by the technological indices Materials first (-2.54%).

Source: RES

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