He starts again … suffering for Panathinaikos – Panathinaikos


As long as there are outstanding issues, the two leaders of Panathinaikos can not accurately predict the amount they need for their monthly expenses. The disadvantages do not allow Giannis Alafouzos to plan the financing of the administration, because new requirements are constantly appearing, which must be respected to a certain extent so as not to cause additional problems.

The narrowness of the FCE worsens as a result of the negative developments with Pierongsand. Alafouzos was counting on the Thai contribution, but it must now cover this funding gap of 3 million euros. Something that he intends to do, at least for the most part.

Without a doubt, the financial situation also affects the prospects for strengthening the group in January. In addition to the limitations of nationality and age, Dabiza and the Dona do not have transcripts, and the predominant possibility is not to deal with a footballer.

Finally, he was delayed to include the FCE in the "Extrajudicial Compensation Mechanism". Alafouzou's partners were waiting for the necessary Treasury measures in November, but until now the bureaucracy has blocked the procedure. This is an important issue, as Panathinaikos will save about 500,000 euros a month in bank loans, contributions and taxes …

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