ADVANTAGES: See who will benefit from the cut – Examples of analysis


less ENFIA of a few euros up & # 39; to 100 euros they will pay for it 2019 more than five millionthe owners.

The discount granted to ENFIA can go up to 30%

These are taxpayers who, on an individual basis have in their possession real estate properties with a maximum objective value of 203,000 euros. The discount granted to ENFIA is up to 30% for most taxpayers, with an average reduction of 10%.

At the same time, it extends for another year, it's and in 2019, the exemption of off-plan areas and settlement areas of ENPHIA additional. In total, the owners save EUR 265 million from ENFIA.

In particular, according to the amendment tabled in Parliament concerning ENFIA, the method of calculation used the following changes:

-For those who have real estate of objective value up to 60 000 euros the amount due in 2019 is reduced by 30%, but this reduction can not be greater than 100 euros. For those whose real estate holdings have an objective value of more than EUR 60 000, the amount of the discount granted by ENFIA is limited to EUR 0.7 per 1,000 EUR with an objective value of more than EUR 60 000.

For example, an owner who has an objective property of 50,000 euros and this year, he was asked to pay 200 euros to ENPHY. In 2019, he will be asked to pay 140 euros, which is 30% less. If, however, he possesses a second real estate worth EUR 70 000 (total value of the target of EUR 120 000), the amount of the reduction will be reduced by EUR 42 (60 000 being the excess value of 60 000 euros and therefore the deduction is limited by the product 60 to 0.7 EUR, ie 42 EUR).

So, if both properties were to pay this year total price 400 euro, 2019 will pay 58 euros less or 14.5% less. As described above, ENFIA rebates are considerably reduced by increasing the total objective value of each taxpayer's badets and reducing the level to 203,000 euros to zero.

Gagné, However, this method of calculation concerns couples with a 50% to 50% ownership of real estate. In this case, the discounts are extended to couples with family properties up to a maximum of 400,000 euros. With the changes made to ENFIA, the tax is effectively reduced for the so-called "popular" residence.

– Extension for an additional year, ie 2019, of the additional ENRYS exemption for land situated outside the city and the agglomeration (for example, parcels located outside designed plots)

Profit with examples

  1. In the apartment 80 ENFIA, for a value of 224 euros, represented this year a target value of 60,000 euros in the Korydallos area. In 2019, the owner will be asked to pay 156.8 euros, which is 30% or 67.2 euros less.

2 To a taxpayer who has a dwelling of 60 square meters, of objective value of 66 000 euros in the Peristeri region, this year has been certified by ENPHIA for 222 euros. In 2019, ENFIA will be certified at EUR 159.6, ie EUR 62.4 or 28% less.

3 Taxable who has a flat of 120 square meters, of an objective value of 200 000 euros, in the district of Vrilissia, was called this year to pay 720 euros to ENFIA. In 2019, he will have to pay 718 euros, or 2 euros less. However, in the case where the apartment belongs to a couple of 50% of co-owners, all were called this year to pay the sum of 360 euros, a total of 720 euros. In 2019, however, everyone will pay 288 euros, or 72 euros less. In this case, the pair will save 144 euros and will pay a total of 576 euros in 2019 to ENFIA. Indeed, ENΦΙΑ is calculated on the basis of the objective value of real estate on an individual rather than a family basis.

4 Taxable which owns two properties with a total value of 250,000 euros and has been called to pay 830 euros to ENFIA this year, will have no reduction in 2019 and will be required to pay the same amount.

5 Taxable which owns a 110-square-meter apartment in Holargos, with an objective value of 176,000 euros, and a plot of 200 square meters in Peania, with an objective value of 30,000 euros, pays a principal IMFIA of 513 euros. In 2019, it will have no discounts on ENFIA.

6 Owner which has two apartments of 70 square meters each, built in the 1960s, in the neighborhood of Ambelokipi, an objective value of 200,000 this year, is equivalent to 518 euros. In 2019, he will pay 516 euros, two euros less.

Read also on "New page": Reduce ENFIA for more than 5.5 million homeowners

Read also on the "New page": ENFIA: The tax will be reduced in 2019 – How many and for whom (examples)

source: nation

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