The real reason we say to stop our mobile phones on the plane (photo) More: viral


One of the most prevalent and widespread urban myths relates to closing cell phones during a flight, for fear of blocking the aircraft's processing devices …

But is there such a danger? Of course not. We just have to maintain and maintain, because what we say is "fear keeps frowning", so flight attendants have a less important topic to deal with.

So why are they forcing us to close it or put it in flight mode?

More needs to be done for precautionary reasons as this minimizes the risk that the phone signal interferes with the pilot's communication with the control tower.

It may be that the sound is lost between the two for a few seconds or you hear something like a cell phone next to a speaker.

According to, the probability that this will happen a few years ago was about 2 to 3%, but with the evolution of technology, this percentage has further declined.

However, even if this possibility exists at a rate of 0.000000001% and that, in an emergency situation, a hundredth of a second can play a decisive role, the prohibition still applies.

"Prevention is better than cure," they say abroad.

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