From Barcelona to Moscow, Pasqual has not traveled with Panathinaikos – Basketball – Euroleague – Panathinaikos – Panathinaikos Basketball


Chavez Pasqual will not be going to Panathinaikos for Moscow tomorrow before Chimki, but will meet the rest of the team tomorrow.

"His mother made an intervention in the heart. Panathinaikos is a family, but we also have our own family. He will come with us to Moscow, he will be here tomorrow morning"Said his partner, Ingo Thorghano.

John Papapetrou said:We will see, traveling with us, we believe that it will be ready. All other children are good for their health".

For the absence of Alexey Svedd and his impact on the match, he said: "All teams are dangerous even when a player with 25 points and 8 badists per game is played. However, Chimki has an excellent lineup and can see the players score a bit. We must forget who plays and who does not play ".

Finally, in order for Panathinaikos to change to be strong and out of the home, he said: "We should be ourselves. When we play at OAKA, we are different. We want to be aggressive in defense and attack. We have no choice but to be the ones we need and that we have not shown in most games on the outside.".

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