A video about the makedomachos "Jackal" pulls provocations – "Charge" in the anarchist attack against children who have made their own


On her provocative action of marginal extremist groups at Today's rally in Thessaloniki reveals a video who goes around the internet and record clearly the effort of a "Macedonian" to accuse an anarchist attack on children, which however have "set up" his own people.

In particular, it says "Jackal", obviously try directing public opinion in favor of nationalist occupations, shot a video to show that so-called anarchists threw bottles at students. Indeed, in order to invest in fearhe started screaming about the kids to stay away from being struck by "anarchists".

As it appears in video, a girl seems to be convinced of his version and runs to tell him how the falling bottles come from … his own. And of course the "chakalos" on the far right she answers how known, unknowingly revealing provocation: "The war is not played … like the war is played too.

Watch the video (1.05):

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