Twelve thousand travel cards to discover in Europe for 18 year olds


The European Commission is launching a second competition under the name "DiscoverEU". Young people and 18 year olds can apply to receive a travel card allowing them to discover Europe next summer. Nominations began today at 12:00 pm and will continue until Tuesday, December 11th at 12:00 noon.

This competition follows the first round of applications, which allowed 15,000 young people and many young people to travel to Europe from July to October 2018. Many of them took part in the events organized during the year. European Year of Cultural Heritage. .

The Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth, Sports and Sports, Tibor Navracic, said: "It is with great pleasure that young people embark on this new opportunity of To explore the cultures and traditions of Europe, to feel what it means "European diversity and to make friends they would not know otherwise. The first round showed us that young people gain confidence and skills, for example by taking initiatives and speaking other languages. DiscoverEU is not just about traveling, but learning throughout life. "

Who is eligible to participate and what is the application process?

Any citizen of the Union born between 1 January and 31 December 2000 may apply for this series of applications.

Those interested in participating must apply via the European Youth Portal where they must register and declare their travel plans. The candidates will be selected on the basis of their answers to a questionnaire containing five multiple-choice questions on the culture and diversity of Europe, the EU initiatives for young people, the next elections to Parliament European Parliament and a supplementary question relating to: with the second round of applications.

Successful or successful individuals will be able to travel between April 15 and October 31, 2019. The Commission particularly encourages people with disabilities or social challenges to apply for this event. The Commission will provide information and advice to people with disabilities and will cover the costs of special badistance needed (for example, an escort or guide dog for the visually impaired).

Successors may travel individually or in groups of up to five people (all must be 18 years of age).

Generally, they will travel by train. However, to have wide access throughout the continent, participants can use other means of transportation, such as buses or boats or, exceptionally, the plane if necessary. This will ensure that young people and young people living in remote areas or on EU islands will also be able to participate.

Each EU Member State has received a number of travel cards based on the country's population compared to the total population of the European Union.

General informations

DiscoverEU started in June 2018 with a budget of 12 million euros. Until now, it has allowed more than 15,000 young and new travelers to travel to Europe. The goal is to give them new opportunities to discover the rich cultural heritage of the European continent, to get to know other people and to learn to feel European through other cultures. and experiences.

Participants' comments are positive. For many, this was the first time they traveled without parents or other adults, and most said that this experience made them more independent. They also claim that their participation in DiscoverEU has allowed them to better understand other cultures and European history. Nevertheless, they think they have improved their foreign language skills. Two-thirds of participants said they could not finance their travel card without DiscoverEU.

The European Commission has proposed to commit 700 million euros in DiscoverEU under the future Erasmus program in the next EU long term budget (2021-2027). If the European Parliament and the Council approve this proposal, from 2021 to 2027, they will be able to travel another 1.5 million euros, or eighteen years.

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