This will be the amount of minimum wage increase! When to apply


At 8%, the minimum wage increase rate should reach 633 euros from 586 today.

The final decision on the exact level of the increase in the minimum wage will be taken in the week that will come to us, probably on Tuesday, when the ministerial decision is about to be signed by the Minister of Labor himself. even. The new minimum wage will apply from 1 February, without age discrimination, which will automatically result in the abolition of the minimum wage.

At the same time, the increase in the minimum wage will result in the reinforcement of 24 social benefits and special benefits provided by the OAED to at least 300,000 beneficiaries, such as unemployment benefits, maternity benefits, a special seasonal allowance. and the reimbursement of trainee students.

In 2012, full-time minimum wage workers experienced a significant reduction of 22%, with salaries rising from € 751 to € 586, while for young people under the age of 25, the wage was reduced by € 751 to EUR 510, thus creating the "minimum wage" and discriminating against the age of the workers.

The impact of this decline has had a dramatic impact on income distribution, as the proportion of low-wage workers has increased and the phenomenon of working poverty has led to an upsurge.

After nearly seven years, the country being already excluded from the memoranda, on September 19, 2018, an amendment to raise the minimum wage was tabled in Parliament, where, as stated in the explanatory memorandum, " the provisions of Article 103 of Law 4172/2013 (A & # 39; 167) defines the procedure for calculating the minimum wage for private law workers throughout the country ". C. whereas

a consultation of the social partners and the government took place within four months and, in accordance with the envisaged process, with the participation of scientific bodies specialized in research and other related fields, as well as 39, experts in the field of economics and particularly the labor market, social policy industrial relations. Survey of experts studying and studying the impact of wage growth on key economic indicators, such as productivity, unemployment, competitiveness and income distribution, suggests an increase of 5% to 10% .

The Greek government seems to follow the example of Portugal and Spain, countries which, although they have also experienced austerity policies and memoranda, have raised the minimum wage of workers . In particular, for the fourth consecutive year, Portugal raises the minimum wage – each increase is of the order of 5% and in 2019 it should cross the 600 EUR mark. Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez has also raised the minimum wage by 22% – the highest rate of increase in the euro area, from € 858 per month to € 1,050.

As the Minister of Labor Efi Achitsoglou said in the media, after the approval of the cabinet and the signing of its decision, the new minimum wage will be increased.

Source: RES-EAP

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