Study-Tremor: In 2040, Greece's GDP will return to 2007 levels


More than 20 years will be needed to bring the national economy back to pre-crisis levels, with GDP equal to 2007, according to a new study by IHS Markit, the world's leading badyst and financial badyst.

Its economists expect anemic growth of + 1.7% for the current year and an even lower growth of 1.4% for 2020-2030 if the country continues to follow the current economic "recipe". policy.

According to the study's calculations, the Greek economy will regain its pre-crisis levels by 2040, while the size of the public debt will be complicated.

In particular, baduming moderate inflationary pressures, the debt-to-GDP ratio is expected to fall to 137.4% by 2030, well above the target of 118% in cooperation with the institutions. creditors of Greece.

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