A 600-pound marine crocodile was captured


A cruel navy of 600 kilos and nearly five meters long, was captured after an eight-year search on Australia announced today officials.

The Reptile, One of (19659003) Authorities have tried in vain for so many years to catch the 60-year-old crocodile.

The animal was transported to the Carthus River, in the far northern territories, trapped on a crocodile farm to catch (19659002) Marine crocodiles often meet in the tropical north of the island. 39, Australia and kill an average of two people a year

has exploded since it was declared a protected species in the 1970s with the death of an elderly woman last year to recall the need to reduce its population

The largest crocodile so far pg taken in Australia was a length of 6.4 meters, according to records.

In Australia, which is famous for its exotic and often dangerous wildlife, such as Tasmanian sharks and devils, more than 150,000 crocodiles live

In 2017, 371 crocodiles were captured in the Northern Territories. by wildlife dwellers in the cities of the Northern Territories such as Darwin, Palmerston and Carthin, and this year already 190.

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