A big winner is Elias Gotsis


Elias Gotsis is the triumphant survivor of this year, winning the last duel, this time at Veikou, Katerina Dalaka. The duel was played between two junior players d who from the beginning had shown that they had entered for the title and that they were going to fight him with all their might.

At the improvised platform set up each year in Veikos, Katerina and Elias accepted the verdict of the public shortly before the end of the match. one and a half at dawn on Saturday. Listening to the decision of the audience of the television that voted Elijah Gotsi surviving 2018, the big winner has drowned in the hugs of his teammates, in applause for applause. A few minutes ago, however, declared that the value of victory increased the worthy opponent and that was Katerina.

The creator and producer of the game The Turks Azu Iliţali, entered the Alcosseum of Veikou a few minutes after midnight Friday. Katerina Dalaka hurried to kiss her, while Sakis Tanimandides saluted him warmly. As Sakis Tanimandides later said, Iliţali was in America and traveled to Greece specifically for the final match. Sending his greeting to the public, the Turkish producer said "good evening" in Greek and expressed his joy for the unfolding of the match. His wife, however, chose Mykonos of the Veikos Alley

Anxiety of the Young Raid

Agitation prevailed a few minutes after nine o'clock in the bay of Veikou, while a group of about 40 Young people wearing helmets searched the place where the Survivor's final a few minutes ago and the transmission was interrupted to broadcast commercials.


Young people began shouting unsuspecting slogans and throwing bottles of water and other objects to the public.
Spectators began to head out of the theater as security guards rushed, but also to protect the world.

The youths were abducted and the police were notified. While SKA TV broadcasts advertising, Sakis Tanimandidis returns to the platform and comments on the event by addressing the audience by saying, "Two things are immense: the universe and human stupidity. ".


When things calmed down, the game came back in the air with the presenter and the two gladiators were extremely calm, as nothing had happened.

Veikou Bay Bay
The place that was held in Veikou Bay was short: just before 9:00 pm, the organizers opened the doors and invited the non-guests to fill the theater and they also follow the whole process.

The game participants were found at the beginning of Galatsi. Fighters and celebrities distributed smiles and selfies to the audience found in the Alsos to see them up close and watch the finale

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In the small theater, of course, with the exception of hundreds of spectators and fans of reality, all players and some relatives are found

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