A camera in Brazil records a murderer who kills a lawyer in front of his daughter


A closed-circuit camera in the city of Caruario, Brazil, recorded the savage murder of a lawyer in the eyes of only a year and a half of his daughter and nanny

And while André Abrosio Ribeiro Pessoa, 46, arrives at his ex-wife's home to leave his daughter, an armed man approaches him and orders the lawyer to give the child to the woman who follows him and surrenders

almost calmly, not endangering the two lives that accompany him. The performer, rather impatient for his mission, does not intend to abduct a nanny and his daughter and begins to shoot him. The information indicates that the lawyer was hit with five bullets in the head

The killer has not yet been identified by the authorities, and his motive has not been determined . However, the authorities believe that it was likely to have been a "death contract". In the pocket of the lawyer, however, there was $ 1,000, which was not stolen by the actor.


Source: Sun

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