A … deceased homeowner of a brothel has won the Nevada seat!


Tramp supporter, popular in his place, "Battle" at the age of 72, Dennis Hop took part in the mid-term elections at USA with the Republican Party and managed to win a seat at the Nevada State Assembly.

Until now, everything is fine. However, in the case of Hoff, we find two … peculiarities: he was the most famous "Davatz" of Nevada because he owned the best brothel in the area. And we say "there was" and "was" because … he left life on October 16, a few days before … his election victory!

Indeed, Hoff died recently, after a two-day frenzy, at his home in Nevada. According to his tax return, Dennis Hoff, an entrepreneur, owned seven brothels across the United States, as well as a strip club. He was also known as the author of the best autobiography songs, entitled "The Art of Davatzis", but with the entry of Tramp at the White House, he "opened" the political .

In fact, his campaign called "The Trabble of Parab", the word "Parab" coming from the name of an independent community of 36,000 inhabitants located in Nevada, his hometown. Hoff himself declared the great admirer of Tramp, and in his public placement he said: "I am a little rich, a little familiar and surrounded by pretty girls.I do not care what others say about me. "

In other statements, in a documentary, he said: "It's really the Trab movement. People put their moral beliefs, their religious beliefs for a moment, just to get somebody out there." Honest in public service. Trab is the champion, that is Christopher Columbus of honest politics. "

His candidacy for the mid-term elections could not be withdrawn, in accordance with the legislation in force. The campaign continued despite his death and Hoff was elected while the Republicans invited the people to vote for him, in order to reduce the number of votes of their opponents and not … to fall into the hands of the Democrats who now occupy the vacant seat.

According to photos posted on social media, in Hills, in the state where "Hop" was down, posters were posted, which allowed everyone to understand how he had died. But … loyal Republican supporters went mbadively to the polls and, obedient to their party, voted for Dennis Hop.

Here is Pahrump's ballot today telling voters that GOP General Assembly candidate Dennis Hof has pbaded away but is still on the ballot. If Hof wins, the county commissions of the 3 counties covered by the district will appoint a replacement of the same party. #nvleg pic.twitter.com/p8mjPBIwzz

– Riley Snyder (@RileySnyder) November 6, 2018

Its share reaches 68.3%, while its rival Democrat, Lysia Romanov, gets only 32% of the vote – although alive. The Nevada Republican Party is now responsible for finding the replacement for … dead and covering the siege. This is, of course, one of the most paradoxical – if not the most paradoxical – incidents of mid-term elections in the United States …

The only thing that could improve Dennis' win is if the final votes total reaches "69" percent! pic.twitter.com/cVURA3dDh8

– Hof's friends (@ElectHof) November 7, 2018

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