A famous Greek actor is dead! – New


Sadness spreads to the artistic space the laugh by Gina Voulgari. Dora Douma announced Wednesday night the loss of her colleague at Facebook.

"They have just informed us that a good friend and colleague, Gina Voulgaris, recently hospitalized in intensive care, has left life.Good trip from Gina."

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PGRpdiBzdHlsZT0iIiBjbGFzcz0ibWFpbl9iYW5uZXIgdmlzaWJsZS1zbSB2aXNpYmxlLXhzIj4KCQkJPHNjcmlwdCBhc3luYyBzcmM9Ii8vcGFnZWFkMi5nb29nbGVzeW5kaWNhdGlvbi5jb20vcGFnZWFkL2pzL2Fkc2J5Z29vZ2xlLmpzIj48L3NjcmlwdD4NCjwhLS0gQXRoZW5zX0FydGljbGVfSW5saW5lX01vYmlsZSAtLT4NCjxpbnMgY2xhc3M9ImFkc2J5Z29vZ2xlIg0KICAgICBzdHlsZT0iZGlzcGxheTppbmxpbmUtYmxvY2s7d2lkdGg6MzAwcHg7aGVpZ2h0OjI1MHB4Ig0KICAgICBkYXRhLWFkLWNsaWVudD0iY2EtcHViLTU5MzcxNDc4NDM1NzA1MjQiDQogICAgIGRhdGEtYWQtc2xvdD0iMTQ1MTc0MDQ4NiI PC9pbnM + + == DQo8c2NyaXB0Pg0KKGFkc2J5Z29vZ2xlID0gd2luZG93LmFkc2J5Z29vZ2xlIHx8IFtdKS5wdXNoKHt9KTsNCjwvc2NyaXB0PgkJCTwvZGl2Pg

Tzeni Voulgari is dead

While Spyros Bimbila was referring to the aunt of the actor and informed of the day and time of his funeral with a message on his facebook page.

"An old beloved actress TZINA BULGARI … a beautiful woman and a sweet man left …. Goodbye to our sweet Gina … I will not forget the wishes that you have not never failed to give me your first month with so much love … 11 am Saturday, we say goodbye to the new Glyfada cemetery. "

Tzeni Voulgari is dead

Born in Athens in 1939. Actor of musical theater. She appeared for the first time as a singer at Aigli Zappeion, at Green Park in Mavrommation Street and at Field of Areos with Konferasanis actor, Giorgos Oikonomidis.

She was licensed to practice an actor profession as an excellent talent. He collaborated with many protagonists of the music scene (Oresti Marki, Sparantza Vrana, Vembo, etc.). During the last years of her career, she worked mainly as a singer in many discotheques in Athens. She ceased appearing in 1985. She married for a while with Petros Pantazis.

Tzeni Voulgari is dead

Tzeni Voulgari is dead

Mourning in the Greek Army: Giannis Verikakis is dead!

"He left"At the age of 89, his retired general Greek Army Ioannis Veryvakis.

The general no. Ioannis Veryvakis was born in 1930 to Edessa, where his father then served as an officer and was Chief of Staff of the General Staff and Chairman of the NATO Military Committee. He was the cousin's son. Dimitriou Verevaki and the brother of Papandreou's MP and Minister of PASOK governments, Lefteris Verekakis.

He studied at the Evelpidon Military School, where he graduated as an infantry lieutenant in 1953. He completed his studies at the Infantry School. , in all schools of special forces and parachute strike and free fall zones, in various schools of general military education and at the US School of Directional Missile Missiles, of which he graduated with the distinction "excellent shooter". Later, he graduated from High School of War and SEPA.

In the 1980s, he was Chief of the Special Forces Division, Director of the 2nd GHG Headquarters, Commander of the 3rd Special Forces Division, Commander of the ACSEN, Inspector General of the Army and Chief of the ESM ( 1989-1990).

In 1990, with the formation of the government of K. Mitsotakis, he was appointed Chief of the Defense Staff, a post he held until February 1993, when He has taken his retirement.

From July 1991 to June 1992, General Verjakis was President of the NATO Military Committee and received many famous and military medals. He was also appointed Commander of the Legion of Merit (US), Commander of the Honorable Legion of Honor (France), Knight of the Order of Madara (1st Taxi, after Swords – Bulgaria ).

Congratulations to the family of the deceased who paid tribute to STAGE Ioannis Verekaki. He was a wonderful man, an excellent soldier and an excellent leader. pic.twitter.com/GqLUyOpZWP

– Mikhail Kostarakos (@Kostarakos) June 19, 2019

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