A fire was fired against the Hanaikat police! | News


According to information from the United States, Forward Chimki was locked in a house at Sherman Oaks after a shootout on Friday night

Police authorities received a call from his mother, who was worried about his son because he showed instability in his behavior. When the organs of the clbad reached the point, Hainikat opened fire, with the return of the police.

There is no update on the situation, but many Twitter users express their concern

"abc" reported that no policeman was injured then that he was not able to communicate with the player. However, many believe that they are alive, according to the cell phone messages.

A SWAT group arrived at the site, while 30 residents left their homes nearby

Investigations continue and the situation outside the house (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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