A hard circle of traffic – Greece


A multi-member spiral that badually exploited foreigners via entertainment centers and tolerance shelters and legalized their stay in Greece, with the conclusion of virtual cohabitation agreements, was dismantled by the Department of Wrestling. Organized Crime and Trafficking.

As a result of a coordinated police operation in the center of Athens, Messinia and Mykonos, 13 people in total were arrested, including 5 Greeks and 8 foreigners, against whom a guardrail was filed, criminal organization offenses, human trafficking, facilitation of deception, false claims, misrepresentations and allegations of violations of foreign law.

It is noted that there are still 12 people in the case, including 10 men and 2 women, while 7 other women have been admitted for violation of the law for foreign persons and nationals [19659002Selonlapolicel'organisationcriminelletravailledepuisaumoinstroisansdansledomainedel'exploitationéconomiqueetbaduelledesfemmesétrangèresEncequiconcernelafaçondontlabobineaagisesmembresonttrouvédesfemmesprincipalementdespaysd'Europedel'EstetavecdiversespromessesdetravailjuridiqueenGrèceilsontprisleurconsentementàvenirdansnotrepays
Upon their arrival, they were first transferred to an area of ​​Attica, withholding their travel documents and completely controlling their movements, and then, forced to violence and threats, to work in a detention center. entertainment and engaging in customer transactions for a fee.

In addition, the members of the organization handed over foreigners, for a fee, to the owners of similar stores and tolerance shelters, in Attica or in provincial towns
The characteristic of their organized and methodical action is the fact that they organized the conclusion of virtual cohabitation agreements between the women and the individuals whom they themselves identified for a fee. They then lodged their claims with the public financial services and with the competent services for the issuance of the relevant residence permits

It is significant that the authors made false allegations against women who managed to escape their control, by forcing other foreigners to testify as witnesses.

The police investigation showed that during the past six months, members of the organization had badually exploited at least 25 women through fun centers and shelters. tolerance. In the investigations conducted, were found and seized money, two cars, mobile phones, many documents related to the conclusion of marriages, applications for issuance of residence permits and handwritten notes

The decrees and the decrees,

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