A huge under ice pond was discovered on Mars, where such a volume of liquid water has never been found until now, a prerequisite for the development of life, said today an international team of astronomers. which is under a layer of Martian ice, has a diameter of about 20 km and the shape of a rounded triangle, creates the hope of the presence of other waters, even life, on the red planet, according to an article published in the American Science Review.
"Ein a surprising result that makes us think that the presence of Martian water is not just a temporary flow as has shown the previous discoveries, but a permanent mbad of 39. water that creates living conditions over a prolonged period, "said Alan Daph, Assistant Professor of Shaunberne University, Australia, who did not participate in the study. [19659002] Mars is frozen, desolate and anhydrous but previously hot and humid, and has hosted a large amount of liquid and liquid water
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