A major issue for Greece is the release of the two Greek armies


Tsipra – Erdogan meets on the sidelines of the NATO summit – Prime Minister insisted on the issue, saying "more optimistic" after the meeting

Nearly two hours were held the private meeting of the Greek Prime Minister with the Turkish President in Brussels on the sidelines of the NATO summit. "I would not say it was one of the easiest meetings," he said at a press conference yesterday. Tsipras, where he said "more optimistic than before a meeting". He stressed that almost the entire agenda was set between the two countries, with a central issue of that of the two Greek soldiers, who, as the Prime Minister has pointed out,

At the same time, he stressed that Greece was a pillar of stability. , security and cooperation in the region. He also highlighted the improvement of Greece's relations with its northern neighbors and the resolution of chronic open issues, while highlighting the "critical role" of Greece in the refugee and immigration crisis .

No Relation

the question of the two Greek military is a major issue of moral importance, symbolic and essential for the relations of the two countries ", Al. Tsipras, pointing out that it is only possible to is "not to honor the honor of the neighbor – as an important country of NATO – to hold two allies of soldiers to NATO, such as Greece, without trial and without proceeding. "19659003] Tayyip Erdogan, as expected, raised the issue of the eight Turkish officers asking for asylum in our country without, however, proceeding to a" clear correlation ", as Al. Tsipras." I gave the Turkish President the understanding that the issue of the eight can not be tied to the two men, "he added, pointing out that when someone applies for asylum, the procedures are followed. "In this case, independent justice is responsible," he explained, stressing that it was another arrest. possession and detention of two soldiers who, during a routine operation, had "accidentally taken certain steps."

"The Greek side does not ask for pardon, but proceedings are in progress", has he says, pointing out that "if they did not commit an offense, the procedure is fixed, they are tried and sent back to their families". He also had the opportunity to inform the Turkish President on the judicial development of the eighth issue, stating, as he pointed out, that in Greece, justice is completely independent . He also stressed that for the Greek government, "coupan and anyone trying to overthrow democratic legitimacy are not welcome."

Agreement on Efforts to Reduce Tensions in the Aegean Sea

"Greece in 2018 Turns Its Face: Turkey Must Positively Improve Greek and Turkish Relations", said the Prime Minister, who testified Tayyid Erdogan's evidence of the increase in Turkish delinquency in the Aegean. "The Turkish violations and provocations in the Aegean continue and are resolutely treated on the basis of international law by the Greek side." However, he stressed that both sides agreed to highlight their efforts to reduce tension in the Aegean Sea: "The best news is that we agreed to continue and strengthen the channel between the chiefs of staff and foreign ministers to find "

" Maintaining negotiations on a fair and viable solution to the Cyprus problem "

Before the meeting with the Turkish President, Al. Tsipras contacted Cypriot President Nikos Anastasiades. Both stressed the importance of continuing talks at Guterres, noting that diplomatic talks should be a point of reference, as well as a "close contact" between the Greek and Turkish foreign ministers on this issue . "We can resume the discussions, put the two communities on the Cypriot issue in an orbit of dialogue", Al. The discussions on the need for a just and viable solution

As he pointed out, there is great potential for cooperation between the two countries, but they are still untapped, and a number of critical issues have been ruled out because there is "encroachment". emerged after a major problem was raised in the judicial development of the eight Turkish soldiers and the detention of the two Greeks in Adrianople. "As the Prime Minister noted, the goal is to" seize the thread intergovernmental meetings in Smyrna ", mentioning inter alia the possibilities of cooperation in trade, tourism and coastal interconnection

The deaths of defenseless people in the Aegean

The two-hour talks between two leaders also discussed further cooperation in the area of ​​security.With regard to the refugee, he recalled that the cooperation between Athens and Ankara during the 2015-2016 period resulted in a drastic reduction of the flows refugees and migrants and mainly "the reduction of deaths of helpless people in the Aegean".

Al. Tsipras said that they had long talked about the implementation of the Euro-Turkish Agreement and that the Ministers responsible for the two countries would be in closer communication. "We have not seen any disturbing developments in recent years, and I hope this situation will continue into the next few years"

"Jackets of Life" for ND-PASOK Business Distortion national

Despite the fact that the question of the nomenclature of the FYROM did not interest the NATO summit, the Greek interest turned towards the "tradition Bucharest "of Greece, according to the main opposition, described as" lying "even Secretary-General of NATO. "It's a deeply hypocritical attitude that belittles the intelligentsia of the citizens," said the prime minister in response to a question.

He said in particular that yesterday was a historic day, because the decision of the famous Bucharest summit ten years was a blank letter. "As previously stated, it is absolutely clear that the FYROM is starting accession negotiations that will end "if and only if the change of neighbors is completed after the planned constitutional amendment"

"Mostly ND and Mr. Mitsotakis, but followed by Ms. Gennimata, decided to implement evidence critical national problems because they are their lifejacket after sinking their economic forecasts, "said the Greek Prime Minister and stressed that these issues should be handled with responsibility

No one will qualify the Macedonia neighbor of "Macedonia"

With the bold example that the overwhelming majority of heads of state participating in such sessions do not refer to the pay s neighbor as FYROM, but with its constitutional name – "Republic of Macedonia" or even "Macedonia" -, Al. Tsipras explained that this changes definitively with the agreement of Prespa. "Once completed by our northern neighbors, the success of the referendum and constitutional change, the only" Macedonia "that will exist will be the geographical area of ​​Greece and our regions," he added, adding that "no one"

At the beginning of 2019 comes the agreement

In response to the difference of positions with P. Kammenos on the nomenclature, Al. Tsipras stated that positions and points of view are well known, just as the government's obligations. "We are waiting to see if the Skopje government will be able to fulfill its obligations under the Prespa agreement," he replied, "wishing" because it is a historic intervention that resolves the chronic problems of our foreign policy. "He added that when he succeeds in doing well, at a given moment," January, February, "he will discuss with the government partner" how we will implement the process foreseen in the agreement. "

Milestones in relations with Albania

For a very important work between the Greek and Albanian Foreign Affairs Ministry, Al. Tsipras referring to his As he pointed out, the problems have been dragging on for decades between the two countries, and he noted that we are very close to a solution concerning the demarcation of the EEZ. which "brings benefits significant to the Greek side but mostly opens the way to the gradual delimitation of our EEZ from the west to go forward. with other countries. "

He also spoke of the positive developments regarding the Greek soldiers buried in Albania about the cemeteries, because in the coming days they will be the first ceremony in their memory.As the Prime Minister has pointed out, the The question of war remains: "We have agreed in the coming weeks that Foreign Ministers should intensify their efforts, without too much pressure, to see how far we will have a positive settlement as soon as possible."

Greece has the right to talk about "fair" spending

His concern for "a strategic shift in the way the US government faces the NATO Alliance" voiced Al. The Alliance is more needed for European countries than for the United States. "

He also pointed out that the request was made by the President of the United States, a fair sharing and proport Inequality is a fair demand, especially when it looks like countries like Greece and not the United States. "Other countries, which also have a defense industry and spending have a developmental character, have given less badogy than Greece", which has fulfilled its commitments, of course because of its position , said Al. Tsipras, pointing out that this has deprived the opportunity to spend for education, health, social infrastructure. "It can not, after what went through Greece, which lost 25% of its national wealth but stayed in spending in its limit, others say," we'll see it in the future, that does not matter does not concern us. ""


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