A new leak for the Xperia XZ3 reveals its design!


Earlier in the week, an online retailer released the price at which Sony Xperia XZ3 will be released in the UK and more specifically £ 749.99 or about 900 euros. The same retailer has released some photos of Xperia XZ3 renderings in a wallet today.

Sony looks to stay committed to reducing glbades what other manufacturers are doing. The 5.7-inch Sony Xperia X7 screen seems to continue to exist in the new generation, despite the fact that the resolution is somewhat high

The most obvious addition is that a second camera sensor is added to the back of the Xperia XZ3. The flash, the camera and the fingerprint reader are arranged vertically. Unfortunately, this leak gives little information about other specifications. Previous rumors, they wanted to be equipped with 6GB of RAM, Snapdragon chipset 845, and 3.240mAh battery

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