A renewed Europe sees Merkel | World


Angela Merkel leaves for her holidays after the annual Berlin press conference.

In her annual interview before her summer vacation, Angela Merkel introduced the European Union as an example of a cooperative and multilateral approach on the international stage. Avoiding aggressive expressions and contradictory tones, the German Chancellor presented a vision of a multilateral Europe ready to be liberated in part by US leaders and to play a larger role in the world

how "the days on which we can fully count in the United States have been partially overwhelmed, "and added that the geopolitical importance of Europe calls for more influence. "It is perfectly legitimate for Europe to find its own role in the world," said Merkel in the journalists' room. "Many conflicts are on our doorstep, so Europe has to play a bigger role in solving global problems."

The German Chancellor took the opportunity to address a range of national issues, including the internal conflict for the management of a migrant who threatened to lose his government earlier this month. Ms Merkel chose to respond moderately when asked what attitude Interior Minister Horst Zeheffer took in breaking with the EU's open border policy. chancellor. I am responsible for ensuring that our government is able to function, "said Merkel." We have found a common path forward. The only precondition is that ministers recognize the Chancellor's responsibility in defining policies. When it is not, cooperation within the government is impossible, "he added.

Merkel said that in recent months there has been a" language erosion "and demanded a change of tone in German political culture. "I try to look at the language I use and describe things as accurately as possible," said the German Chancellor to the press, also claiming that it aims to combat the trend of "mistreatment" of political discourse.These statements have been interpreted as referring not only to Zeheffer, but also to the far-right populist party for Germany (AfD). 19659003] Despite weeks of speculation that his leadership is under threat and his political energy has begun to diminish, The Chancellor addressed the journalists with confidence and claimed to complete the mandate of the Chancellor

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