Accelerating EU Migration Policy


Presentation of a proposal from the European Commission on the question of the protection of the external borders in Vienna next September, announced today President Jean-Claude Juncker after the talks that he had with the members of the Commission with the Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurtz and the Austrian Government on the occasion of the withdrawal of Austria on Sunday, July 1 last, presidency of the EU for the second half of 2018.

As Jean-Claude Juncker said in a joint press conference with Chancellor Kurtz at the Austrian Conference Center – which will host many meetings during the Presidency – will increase the number of staff from Frontex to 10,000, will be accelerated by 2020.

"We agreed that the European Commission will make a proposal in September for the protection of the external borders," said the president of the Commission, noting that the Austrian Presidency has agreed on close coordination and regular contacts, "even during the summer months".

The Presidency and the Commission do not cooperate very closely, so things go wrong.

The Austrian Chancellor, for his part, pointed out that in the context of the reform of the Common European Asylum System (GEAS) and possible agreement during the Austrian presidency, the Austrian presidency is wrong, "he added." There is a desire to continue working but only in a realistic perspective. "

The European Commission proposed seven legislative changes three years ago, including the Dublin Regulation reform. , and five

In this context, Chancellor Kurtz suggested at the press conference that the parts of the legislative package were maturing so that the relevant decisions could be promoted

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