Across the cockpit, fire erupted in the EgyptAir tragedy in 2016


The 2016 plane crash with EgyptAir, which was carrying the Paris-Cairo flight and killed 66 pbadengers, was probably caused by a fire in the badpit, French experts said.

The French Air Traffic Investigation Service (BEA) said in a statement that the Egyptian authorities apparently have not responded to calls for a further eviction. investigation of a rare criticism of one country at the expense of another to investigate the causes of an aircraft crash, as reported by the REA-ICA

Egyptian officials have reported that traces of explosives were found in dismantling "

" The BEA's proposals for new research on debris and black boxes, to our knowledge, have not been implemented . The findings of the investigation already collected in Egypt – including those produced by the BEA – are protected by an Egyptian judicial investigation, "the statement added.

Twelve of the victims of the May 2016 air crash were French nationals.

It is rare for experts to publicly comment on a case handled by their counterparts from another country.

"BEA considers that the most likely case is that a fire occurs. Was declared in the badpit while the aircraft was flying at a constant height and the fire spread rapidly, causing it to fall into the air. loss of control of the aircraft, the announcement continues.

The announcement notes that Egyptian experts have not released their latest report and adds that the BEA is ready to resume cooperation with the Egyptian acs if the authorities continue the investigation. International regulations stipulate that a report must be completed in the year following the accident.

A person who knows the case and asks not to be named said: "There are political conflicts between France and Egypt on the search."

Both countries have already argued how air traffic accident investigations should be handled

After the bombing of a Metrojet aircraft carrying Russian tourists from the seaside resort of Sharm el-Sheikh in In October 2015, resulting in the death of 224 occupants, the Egyptian authorities first falsified the suspicions that this accident had been caused by the bomb blast.

However, neither France nor the United States suspected an explosive accident from EgyptAir. The Islamic State had badumed responsibility for the explosion in the Metrojet aircraft, even specifying that its members had carried the explosives in the plane in a refreshment box

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