Afghanistan: At least 15 dead since the attack in Jalalabad – the world



At least 15 people were killed Tuesday in the city of Jalalabad in eastern Afghanistan when a suicide bomber unleashed the explosives that they brought to the city. entry of a government building and that dozens of hostages invaded

deteriorating security conditions in Nangarhar province and in Afghanistan in general, where, after 17 years of war , Taliban and Islamic State launch more and more attacks against

At the present time, no organization has badumed responsibility for this attack, although the Taliban have issued an opinion refusing any involvement

After several hours of exchanges and explosions, Ataulah According to the head of the governor of Nagarhar, Choyan, the aggression is over and the two perpetrators are dead [19659003] According to him, at least 15 people were killed and so many others were injured, well that the final report may be more Initially, an armed man got out of the car and he started firing

Then a kamikaze triggered the explosives that he brought to the building's entrance and two armed men entered. A few minutes later, the car explodes, wounding pbaders-by

After the security forces expelled the area, gunfire and explosions were heard

. Sahrab Kanderi, a member of the Nangarhar Regional Council, said some 40 people were being detained. , on which a fire broke out at the beginning of the attack

On Saturday, a midwifery school was attacked in Jalalabad, killing two guards according to the governor of Nangarhar, three according to the About 70 students and their teachers rescued after seven hours of agony, while both actors were killed

IK badumed responsibility for this attack

In a separate episode, at least eleven people were killed and 31 injured when the The bus they went into fell into a mine today in Farah province. Most of the victims are women and children, and a local police spokesman accused the Taliban of putting the mine.

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