Afghanistan: At least 7 dead in suicide bombing in a ministry – World


At least seven people were killed and more than fifteen were wounded by an explosion, apparently a suicide bomber, near a ministry in the Afghan capital, Kabul, as authorities were leaving their office during l & # 39; afternoon. The Islamic State was responsible for the attack.

"Obviously, a suicide bomber unleashed the explosive zone that he was carrying at the entrance to our ministry," said Freidun Ahmad, a representative of the Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development. of Development

"Our employees were leaving for homes"

The Islamic State said in a statement issued by the news agency Amaq that a kamikaze of the organization has unleashed his explosive vest surrounded by employees of the Department of Agricultural Rehabilitation

Referring to a source that he did not identify, he reported that 60 people had been killed or injured during the attack and added that two French citizens were included in the wounded.

Kabul police spokesman Hbadmat Stanakese said at least seven people, including civilians and members of the security forces, had been killed and others had been killed. killed. out of 15 wounded in the attack, which also caused damage to a vehicle belonging to Foreign Ministry advisers.

Stanekzey stated that most victims are ministry officials.

While the number of reported casualties is relatively small compared to many other attacks, people who are on site and who are still looking for information about their family members

"I I have come here and I am trying to find my son, I am really worried, "said Sawyer Ashraf, whose son works at the ministry

" I went to the hospital but I did not go to school. I could not get it I'm here and now I'm waiting "

Earlier on Sunday, the United Nations Mission in Afghanistan (Manua) released its biannual report on the civilian casualties of the Afghan conflict, in which After the brief truce last month for three days of holidays for Eid, President Ashraf Gany reiterated the offer of peace talks with the Taliban and

But the Taliban, which say that the Western-backed government in Kabul is illegally al, reject his appeal and insist that to begin negotiations, the troops of Afghanistan

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