After the case, embarrassment began


That the political psychodrama in the steam engine of the Eurozone comes to an end and that Merkel breathes deeply, giving the hands to the Bavarian partner Horst Zeehofer for the refugee, but now it eats away

Merkel and Zeehofer have reached a compromise agreement on the refugee with the establishment of a transit center for asylum on the German-Austrian border while politicians of all parties and badysts maintain their strong reservations on the text in black and white signed by Christian Democrats and Christian Socialists renew their collaboration which counts for 70 years.

For centers that "are essentially mbad camps," the Green Party spoke to the left party to emphasize that "humanity is despised since it is done on the backs of refugees."

The Austrian Chancellor

Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurtz holds a small basket for the CDU-CSU compromise agreement with the Bavarian Minister of the Interior, Horst Zeheffer, preparing suitcases to visit him in Vienna to convince him that the asylum transit centers will limit the second Yeni migration.

The compromise agreement between Christian Democrats and Christian Socialists is directly linked to the Austrian Chancellor, as the agreement provides for the establishment of transit centers in Germany near the Austrian border. On the Austrian-German border, a new border regime will ensure that asylum seekers are responsible for the asylum procedure in other EU countries, preventing them from returning to the EU. enter the country

Frustrated consultations during the day

there will be ferocious consultations with the political bodies of the ruling coalition. At 18:00. At the time of Germany, the government committee of the great "coalition" "Groko" will meet.

As they try to decode the case, political badysts and journalists question the bizarre attitude of Merkel's partner in the ruling coalition, Horst Zeheffer, pointing out that the one says that he resigns and the other says that he found them with Merkel. However, as the German press points out, the leader of the Christian Socialists is not the first time he threatens to resign

"The Merkel-Zeheffer agreement is a compromise with a question mark … ", as the Swiss newspaper Neue Zurcher Zeitung points out. For the newspaper, the refugee from Germany is not resolved by the asylum centers

Political Reactions

Top-ranking officials from all over Germany have expressed reservations about the effectiveness of the agreement.

Their doubts about the outcome of the case were expressed by the Social Democratic Party. But the leader of the party, Andrea Nalées, is eager to make it generally good, however, SPD youth leader Kevin Kinner recalled that his party had already rejected this form of strengthening the protection of human rights. borders, Africa, the European external borders or Pbadau. "

A Social Democrat Party spokesperson on immigration issues Aziz Bozcourt, who told Die Welt that" these funny d

"The Half-Eyed" saw the decision, and the Greens, with their President Robert Hubbeck, saying that the compromise is simply a mixture of old ideas. "

" CDU Christian Democrats Christian Democrats "CSU" reopened a 2015 proposal and sell it as an agreement, "said Mr. Hambeck, adding that with this old proposal, both parties are turning to the SPD to say "it's right now" mbad camps.

"The SPD" concluded, while co-chair Annena Bertock pointed out that the agreement "moves the compbad from Germany to a large extent. "

The liberal Democrats" FDP "have expressed reservations with the secretary of KO, Mark Boysman, saying that on the one hand he is right" [CDR] and CSU "agree on the backs of refugees and humanism is despised", it was written message of the head of the party Die Linke, Byrd Rixinger on his Twitter account and has commented that the Chancellor has rewarded the "weekly theater" of the CSU and Horst Zeheffer remains undisturbed.

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