All Election Scenarios – Who Gets the Most Chance


Those who know the way with him unveils his strategy, Alexis Tsipras, they are banking on the repetition of the refusal scenarios of elections February and March, who were fired by business and political circles in recent days.

And that's because the Prime Minister has he confessed to his close badociates that he oscillates between two possibilities for the use of elections, but none of them can be before the May European elections.

One of the main reasons that excludes the March polls de facto is that all positive measures that are being voted on in the House today (cancellation of pension cuts, CEM reductions and insurance contributions, housing allowance, etc.) they will not have been perceived by the generalized social majority, to which they are targeting.

The only one Alexis Tsipras could appeal to the polls in March, would convert the agreement of Prespa, which is expected at that time come to Greece for ratification, in a pre-electoral stalemate, in order to transform on the merits and become a "capsun" in Kyriakos Mitsotakis, who would be called to take a clear position whether or not to ratify the agreement when he is elected.

In such a case, the pressure of the international agent on the one hand and the internal part of the camp Samaras – Georgiadis, on the other hand, would aggravate Mr Mitsotakis' internal problem in the Southwest. However, Alexis Tsipras would have dropped such a proposal at his table. Maximus he rejected it because he does not want to see that he is turning his back on a historical market that he is himself and he defended himself until the end.

In this spirit, two possible dates for the use of elections. Either with her exhaustion of the constitution of four years in October, in conjunction with the autonomous and European elections in May.

Both scenarios positive and negative, who weigh in all closed meetings at the Prime Minister's Office, taking into account the political but also economic developments.

The October scenario has the advantage that the economic recovery and the its impact on the daily lives of citizens. The characteristic is the fact that in the case of calls to the ballot boxes before In September, citizens will not have seen the "bilettakia" reduced by EDF liquidators.

At the same time, the constant updating of elections every … three days at Kyriakos Mitsotakis the reunification of the South West has been for nearly a year and a half in the "ceiling" of 90% operates in favor of SYRIZA who, even in the worst polls, sees the end of "sharing". As a result, few people understand how far the elections gothe more likely the scene will be reversed and a fourth continuous electoral success.

The three-election scenario May is the one who is most likely to happen and this for three main reasons:

First of all, in Maxim's Mansion they know, according to the secret polls that they have in their hands, that the main opponent, who will judge the result in the elections, is not Kyriakos Mitsotakis but abstains , which comes mainly from the SYRIZA ballot. And in the case of triple elections, the abstinence will be less, as for the the elections will be held during the municipal elections and many will vote for the national elections, with increased participation for all SYRIZA badysts.

Second, its strategic choice Alexis Tsipras to obtain broader consents for autonomous elections, mainly from left to left and KINAL will also contribute to the extinction of political forces between SYRIZA and SW, intensification of the polarization regime. "How will a self-governed candidate coming from Kynal but with the" anointing "of SYRIZA invite citizens to stand for municipal elections in favor of the choice of SYRIZA and the national elections against him? of it " interviews a close badociate of Alexis Tsipras, confirming that this choice essentially eliminates them The links of Charilaos Trikoupis with its autonomous leaders.

The third reason is other than that endless problems encountered by NW, who, after the organizational chaos that many attribute to party secretary Lefteris Avgenakis, has repercussions on almost all the large municipalities and regions with "rebels" who are eager to serve It can not be ruled out that their personal election program has an undecided effect on the SW – and thus for the benefit of SYRIZA applications.

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