All the details on the social dividend and the reduction of corporate and business tax units, political


A reduction in ENFA, a reduction in corporate tax rates and an additional allocation for buildings badigned to Mati are being voted on. Analytical data relating to the decrease of ENFIA and business tax rates.

by George Lykourentzou

The deposition of the long-awaited amendment for the distribution of the social dividend and for this year announced the Parliament Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos. According to the Minister of Finance, the amendment will be tabled in the next hour, the total amount being distributed this year. 710 million euros.

In reference to amendment to ENFIA reduction up to 30% Mr Tsakalotos also said that of the 5.9 million owners, the 5 million would benefit from a reduction of at least 10% of the IMF. The amendment provides that, for real estate properties with a total value of 60,000 euros, the reduction to EN will reach 30% and that from then on there will be a phased reduction up to 100 euros.

More specifically, and on the basis of data submitted by the Minister of Finance to the a total of 5.9 million homeowners 3.5 million, or 60% of homeowners will have a 30% decrease. Another million, or 17% of homeowners, will benefit from a 20% discount and another half a million, or 10% of homeowners will benefit from a 10% discount. "We are reducing INFIA by 10%, but for a large number of citizens, the decrease is more important – in favor of a large part of the middle clbad.

Today, too, will be voted an amendment to reduce the corporate tax rate from 29% currently in effect to 20% in 2023. According to the amendment, the tax rates will be as follows:

  • 29% of tax revenues for the 2018 taxation year
  • 28% of tax revenue for the 2019 taxation year
  • 27% of tax revenue for the 2020 taxation year
  • 26% for tax revenue for the 2021 taxation year
  • 25% for tax revenues for taxation year 2022 and subsequent years.

Mr. Tsakalotos spoke briefly to thousands of small and medium-sized enterprises and also referred to the Prime Minister's TIF announcements: "It was our promise in Thessaloniki, which is what we are doing. world thinks that the measures should be adopted in advance rather than ex-dividend and I hope universal support, "he said.

A little later, the Ministry of the Environment has tabled an amendment to strengthen the incidents at Mati, which includes providing an extraordinary social housing allowance for buildings affected by the fires of summer to Mati.





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