Amazing Jackpot: $ 1 Billion on US Mega Millions


Nearly one billion dollars was the jackpot of the American Mega Millions lottery before the draw tomorrow, the biggest sum of the game and the second-highest all-time US lottery, behind the 1.586 billion of the 2016 Powerball Jackpot.

The draw will take place tomorrow Friday at 11 am (6 am). The earnings are "staggering" because that is why New Yorkers are queuing up to buy prizes and do not stop dreaming of how to spend money if their luck smiles at them.

Some people dream of a trip to Hawaii, others would finance their retirement or buy a country house. The instant payment amount to cash the Mega Millions price is $ 548 million. Otherwise, 970 million are paid over 29 years.

Among the "billionaire aspirants" is Erika Yang, who works at a hotel in Manhattan. The chances of winning the jackpot are 302,575,350, but Yang is already making plans. "I would take the women of my family and go to 47th Street to buy jewelry," he said.

"I would receive $ 50 million and give it to my friends, family, and charities, put the rest in the bank, and have interest, you know, ordinary things."

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