Amber Alert: Tosca does not find big mistakes in business! Can you help?


This was not a press conference. It was … an interview, with the image of the leadership of the country (Toskas, Tzanakopoulos) police and firefighters causing sadness . 84 people died martyrs on the fires, unknown how many are missing, and also the word forgiveness.

The word that is not ignored is "pride" and all possible derivatives that were heard in the 99 minutes of torture that MM. Tossakas, Tzanakopoulos, Tsouvalas and Terzoudis tried to convince us that everything is well done. How nothing better could ever be done. Almost like … fortunately, those who have survived are saved.

And what we have not heard.

– The police chief said that if anything happened, we would see 1,000 dead cars at Marathon – The fire chief would make it clear that would not do anything about it. other. – [19659902] – [19659902] With reporters he says that he will respond as he wishes
– Nikos Toska: I can not find big mistakes in business . "
All, declare each time proud in a self-deprecating and exclusion from" show ".

But there were also … slides, pictures. Videos that did not play with Dimitris Tzanakopoulos asking … VAR to see them . With a bad sound. With an organization that was a sad reflection 19659003 of the broader organization of the tragedy of the country.

The Minister of Citizen Protection stated that immediately after the tragedy, submitted his resignation to the Prime Minister . He replied that now is the time of the battle. He also said that there were "serious signs of criminal arson." However, it was not extended by presenting evidence in support of this allegation.

This, coupled with innumerable Biblical references to … our bad weather the turbulent winds and the … crowd (!) In Mati, was essentially the "line of defense" against the ruthless question who haunts the country since Monday: Why did so many people die ?

See the entire press conference which will remain in history for … all the wrong reasons

Tossa, the arsonists (without proof) and the resignation

"There are serious indications that there is criminal activity to trigger fires, I do not know about targeting." It's not just that clues but serious evidence of criminal activity.The investigation is underway, firefighters do not need to say anything more ", said the Deputy Minister of Protection of Citizens, Nikos Toskas, during the extraordinary press conference.

Click4more: Document: Here, the deadly fires have begun! The three points and the interrogation points – video [pics]

Continue, saying … imitation: " I'm trying to find mistakes for reasons of conscience, but I do not find big mistakes in business. For reasons of conscience I I resigned to the prime minister, but she told me the "time of the struggle we continue" and did not accept it ".

"We must not forget the self-denial and selflessness of the firefighters, but also the citizens and volunteers who helped to limit the losses," he said. Mr Toskas.

Tsipras's orders after the fires

"From the first moment, the Prime Minister ordered that all the facts be examined quickly and methodically and that nothing remains unanswered," said Dimitris Tzanakopoulos at the conference extraordinary press.

He announced that following the confirmation by firefighters and the army of information collected by the satellites regarding fires, the Prime Minister ordered that the file be sent to the judicial authorities and that the press conference today to bring all the evidence to the knowledge of the Greek people.

Click4more: The indignation is overwhelmed: "They made a graveyard at Mati and did not resign" – "Psinakis lie" – video

In particular, the Minister of State and government spokesman noted that with firefighters, the police, the army and other administrative authorities they continue to fight to deal with devastating consequences the fires that led to the unjust loss of dozens of our fellow citizens, a parallel duty of the government and authorities is to thoroughly investigate the causes of the tragedy and inform the citizens about the unfolding of surveys.
Mr. Tzanakopoulos informed that in this context, a ministerial committee met just under the prime minister to review the data collected by all the relevant authorities on the causes of the devastating fires, by orders that he had given.

Mandates of Panos Kammenos

In particular, he stated that the Prime Minister had asked the Secretary of Defense to contact the Allied countries and requested data from both satellites and drones the spotlights of the first fires at Kineta and Daou Pentelis.

He also instructed the Minister of Digital Policy to activate the ELDO, which in turn took all available data from European and international satellite systems.

Following the collection of all information, the first data was evaluated and the Prime Minister instructed the fire department and the army to check the points.

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Steps confirmed the satellite data when they found the traces of the chimneys where the fires started, exactly where the satellite spots gave the relevant information. He added that the men of the fire brigade have started ongoing investigations.

Finally, Mr. Tzanakopoulos noted that the Prime Minister had ordered that a relevant file be forwarded to the judicial authorities and that the press conference be held so that all the elements proof that he had to the government to sensitize them to the Greek people.

Information from: ΑΠΕ – ΜΠΕ
Photos: Eurokinissi

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