Adrenaline was beating red, their sentences had reached the sky, frustration had broken the Russian border and reached … the Far East. The blockade of the quarter-finals of the World Cup with the aim of Chadli – knocking at 94 "was not enough to" hurt "the spirit, to s & # 39; (19659002) For this reason, after the fight, they took care to leave as gentlemen, leaving the locker rooms in the same excellent condition that they found when they came to them a few hours earlier and at the same time while writing and a message of thanks (in Russian) for the hospitality that they offer
Despite all this behavior in the fight with the Belgians, the members of the Japanese nation experienced the deposition at all four points on the horizon where the news was transferred, however Alberto Tzakeroni ] was not something that was surprising

Yes, the Italian technician knows how the Japanese think and act first-hand by the one who's recently settled on the bench of their national team (he participated in the 2014 World Cup, where he also faced the group stage and his Greek national team Fernando Santos) and in an interview with "Gazzetta dello Sport" he made us all wiser … [19659002] For the reason that they lost the match, for their movement in the locker room and their way of life. Read the words of word for word …
"The first thought that comes to mind when I see Japan in this World Cup is pride Yes, I am proud of having directed these J & # 39; s proud because they are unique and the photo, which is on the internet, of their impeccable gowns after the exclusion of Belgium, justifies the fact that they are the ones who have completed the adventure in Russia. my pride, which is not just a football

I have read many remarks of admiration, but whoever knows how this people acts is not surprising. I'm not surprised, but I would be surprised if they did not do it. I will tell you what happens in the locker room of a Japanese team when a game ends: the first player bends and puts his clothes on the floor and follows it all using the same method
Essentially, they form four piles of dirty clothes: jerseys, shorts, socks and workout vests. This is because they treat with great respect the work of the one who is responsible for picking them up and having them washed.
There are things that no one from the outside can imagine. We are used to throwing everything on the ground while they are doing everything on schedule. Imagine the builders come to work half an hour ago, because the chief architect puts them in a muscle preparation.

Their life is like living in a comic strip. Returning to the cloakroom can make you a story again. When we finished our preparation to go to the World Cup 4 years ago, 24,000 people were found in a building to say goodbye before going to Brazil.
There was a hallway leading to the locker rooms in the center of the facility, the players were changing, placing on their table all their personal items such as watches, chains and wallets, and they came out one at a time. I was the last one, I found myself alone in the locker room and thought: "Now who is locked up here?"

Nobody, no keys, and no one except me, had negative thoughts of his mind, even though there were hundreds of people a few meters from our bedroom. Such fears do not exist in their own minds. I turned quite East and I can say for sure that the Japanese are unique with these features. They are different from all other Asians.
I fell asleep when I saw them excluded. They did not deserve it, Belgium did not shine, none of its players played according to its abilities. They all played worse than they can. Unfortunately, in the final, Japan showed football nausea because cunning is not part of their culture and DNA. Maybe it would be enough to stop the counter-attack, but they did not even think about it.

I supported them against Belgium, it was as if I were sitting on their bench because I knew them all. The system has not changed, as the lack of cunning, it was something that also punished us in Brazil. This is of course not something that concerns our fans. Enthusiasm and respect for the national are always high and the fact that the quarter-finals have reached their peak has made everyone proud. The Japanese do not see defeat as the worst thing in the world, but an opportunity to improve and increase their experience. "
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