An old frontal collision of our galaxy with a small galaxy "sausage"


An old frontal collision of our galaxy with a smaller galaxy with the imaginary name " sausage " discovered eight years to ten billion years ago by a group of scientists.

The "saucer" of the dwarf galaxy did not survive the event as it quickly dissipated and its remains are now scattered throughout the galaxy ourselves. But our own galaxy bears the traces of this dramatic conflict both in the center and in its outer halo.

The researchers, led by Vasili Belokurov of the University of Cambridge and the Center for Computational Astrophysics (1961-1987), the New York Flatiron Institute, published relevant publications in the Monthly Records of the British Royal Astronomical Society and Astrophysical Journal Letters.

The new estimates are based on the study of Gaia of Europe's Space Anism (ESA), which accurately captures the orbits of stars as they move around. inside our galaxy. By using appropriate mathematical calculations, astronomers believe that they can draw good conclusions about the distant past of our galaxy

The shape of the current orbits of the stars of the galaxy, now wandering in our own galaxy, has given the first the nickname "The sausage of Gaia". This galaxy dwarf was the last great fusion of another galaxy with ours.

Our galaxy continues to collide with other galaxies, such as the miniature "Sagittarius", but the "sausage" was much larger with a total estimated mbad (stars, gas and dark matter) of at least ten billions of times our Sun. When it fell on our galaxy, it fell into a chaotic state and it is estimated that its disk was cracked and needs to be rebuilt along the way.

Among other things, astronomers have found that at least eight large globular clusters in our galaxy are "

Source: AMPE

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