ANEL: CoE decision on Prespa agreement justifies POLITICS


"The decision of the Committee on Suspensions of the State Council was adopted on Tuesday, July 17, 1941, 1900, which, by a complete and badytical reasoning, concludes that:" the agreement " in the event that it does not enter into force, as a whole and as to its provisions separately, will not bind any of the parties in any way whatsoever.In addition, it states that without the ratification of "agreement," there will be no irreversible legal situations that will bind our country in the future, "said the spokesman of the independent Greeks, Theodoros Tsoundidis

.the lie of Kyriakos Southwest definitely who tried to deceive the Greek people that we have already committed through the agreement of Prespa Panos Kammenos and the INDEPENDENT GREEKS were justified in their decision not to allow the destabilization of the country, with the fall of the government, as wanted the pseudo-cadocommons Kyriakos Greece and the Greeks are continuing their race to release the memoranda and to conquer our prosperity, "said Mr. Tosunidis.

ANEL's spokesperson concludes in his statement: "If ever such an agreement comes before the Greek Parliament that will include the name of Macedonia then Panos Kammenos and the INDEPENDENT GREEKS will stop it." Kyriakos and his "pseudo-makers" can they engage in the same way? "

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