Angry at Richard Richard's lawyer – The hidden basement of the pawnshop in his villa


The well known pawnbroker, Richard, was arrested for taking part in the illicit circulation of gold and even claimed to have played a leading role, but his lawyer was angry at Tsipra's report. published yesterday in Parliament.

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras congratulated the police for the disruption of the circuit during his speech to Parliament Wednesday afternoon.

"I am referring to Richard Garrison's pawnbroker network of tens of thousands of citizens who had seen their income sink in despair and were trying to find temporary help, selling their valuables at a good price," he said. said Alexis Tsipras. .

This report provoked the rage of his lawyer, who spoke to "There is no update at the moment because my client is in custody We are in Evelpidon, there are still people in the police vehicles, there is no possibility of communication nor any Of course, we did not take copies, of course I do not know if we will be able to get copies today because of the late hour, "Petros said. Pantazis yesterday.

"And we are impressed, of course, and I ask it as a reflection for all, that the state actors at the highest level make statements on record." Clearly, they took copies of the record or are aware of the case, what the defense attorneys have not yet succeeded.It is strange for the Greek state … But we are certain that the Greek justice does not derogate to the all that, she reads the file and will do what is necessary. "

Asked to comment in more detail on his latest comment, Mr. Petros Pantazis told "I speak of statements incompatible with the separation of powers, they do not even agree with such a favored state? we make statements and we anticipate criminal liability, I think it is too early and it will prove out of the question, and we are certain of it. "

Incredible revelations about how the multilayer circuit works

The gold that has been traded in recent years from the circuit amounts to 200 million euros, reported SKAI this morning.

The quantities of gold came from the amalgamation of the unknown origin of jewelery, books and other valuables in their possession, purchased or pledged, and it would appear that some of these objects were a product of the crime.

Both groups have been active for an unknown time, but for at least two years now, with a corporate structure, that is, a clear division of roles for their members, as well as many other means. technical and financial, in order to maximize economic benefits.

They even carried out illegal transactions, without risk of random checks, because they were generally "legal" because they operated under the guise of legitimate companies that moved daily and had large sums exceeding € 400,000.

In his luxurious villa in Saronida and in a hidden basement, Richard claims to hide a treasure with many jewels and gold plates.

The volume of documents seized is also enormous because, according to police information, these documents testify to Richard's involvement in the multidisciplinary circuit.

The role that Richard claims to play is central in the multidisciplinary circuit since he claims to be the biggest illegal gold exporter in Turkey, Italy and Germany.

To calculate the figures and profits of 6,000,000 euros per month, he broke through the smuggling circuit by sending every day 100 to 500 kg of gold to Turkey with coaches leaving daily from Alexandroupolis to Istanbul .

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