Anxiety about hundreds stuck on the island of Lombok


Authorities are striving today to rescue hundreds of climbers and others stranded at Mount Rinjani on the island of Lombok, Indonesia, a day after that. A violent earthquake of 6.4 points hit the popular tourist destination, resulting in the loss of at least 14 people

Salvation crews are trying to save hundreds of people stranded in Lombok, where the 6.4 earthquake yesterday killed at least 14 people

"The latest information we received from the group on the ground C & # 39; is now that all the families of the victims of the earthquake of Mount Rinjani will be evacuated by the Sembalun runway, "said Asdiyanto, a disaster relief officer in northern Lombok

. "Asdiyanto added, which, like many other Indonesians, uses a single name.

Authorities announced Sunday that the earthquake on the island of Lombok in the southeastern 39, Indonesia has cost at least 14 people, 162 others have been injured and thousands of homes and buildings have been damaged

The powerful earthquake has triggered scenes of panic, with residents leaving their homes and occupants the hotel leaving their room to look for open spaces.The earthquake, recorded at a very shallow focal depth of seven kilometers, was recorded at 6:47 am local time Sunday (01:47 GMT)

followed by more than 120 aftershocks, the strongest was 5,

Indonesian President Tzoko Uiddon will now visit the island of the earthquake, announcing his services.

The Malaysian Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported that ;a citizen of the country lost its life and six others
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