Any IMF Aid to Pakistan for Not Ending with Chinese Creditors


"Do not be fooled. US Secretary of State Mike Pombeo warned Monday that any potential support program offered by the International Monetary Fund to Pakistan's new government should not be used for

In an interview with the CNBC television network, Pompeo badured that Washington was eager to work with the government that will form the head of the Israeli government. a new Pakistani Prime Minister, Imran Khan, but added that there is no "rational basis" to lend to repay the loans granted by China to Islamabad

"Do not be mistaken We will monitor what the IMF is doing, "said Pompeo. "There is no rational basis for giving dollars to taxpayers allocated to the IMF", including "US money", which "is part of IMF funds" to "repay the holders of 39, Chinese bonds or China ". the head of American diplomacy.

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