Any involvement in Skopje is denied by Ivan Savvidis


Any involvement in Zoran Zaev's complaints about "Greek entrepreneurs who fed Macedonian citizens to incite violent acts" denies the businesswoman Ivan Savvidis

in an interview with BuzzFeed News, the Prime Minister of the neighboring country denounced the fact that "Greek businessmen" favorable to Russian positions paid from 13,000 to 21,000 dollars FYROM funds to "commit violent actions "in view of the crucial referendum on the name

Zayev refused to name who is behind these payments, citing ongoing research, as well as sensitive diplomatic relations

He said the police had been informed of these payments after detaining several people who had participated in violent protests Outside of Parliament in June

"We specify in all respects that the businessman Ivan Savidis has no link or implication with what he says in a totally false and highly defamatory publication, "he said in a statement. brand of the Dimera Group.

Indeed, the filing of a complaint and a lawsuit against the media of BuzzFeed News is announced

Announcement of Ivan Savvides:

"We clarify in all shades how the businessman Ivan Savvidis has no relation or implication with what is mentioned in the article absolutely false and highly slanderous. Therefore, in the coming hours and taking advantage of all the legal remedies available to us, we will file a complaint against the media and the authors of this non-existent publication " [19659010]! function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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