Arta the bridge in space for NASA –


After a further year-long delay in the completion of James Webb's next large space telescope, announced by NASA, we can say that the telescope, which will be Hubble's historic but older Hubble successor launched in 1990, begins to look like … the bridge of Arta – and from elsewhere it is much more expensive

The US Space Agency has announced as a new target date for shooting 30 March 2021 – Others are no longer able to bet that it will go well. Initially, the telescope was to be launched in 2018, after 2019, then in 2020 and now in 2021 – and we see it.

In addition, the total cost of the telescope is constantly increasing. After the new announcement, it reached $ 9.7 billion (including its launch with the European Ariane 5 missile from the Kourou spaceport in French Guiana) and its construction cost of $ 8.8 billion. costs from $ 1 to $ 3.5 billion. In fact, another $ 50 billion, which is the contribution of Europe and Canada, will need to be added to $ 9.7 billion, so the cost will exceed $ 10 billion

The telescope s & # 39; 39 is committed to building a consortium of companies led by Northrop Grumman. However, as indicated by the latest progress report on the telescope, a series of technical problems and human errors have affected its speed.

The telescope will observe the light of the first stars and galaxies, study the atmospheres of the exoplanets by looking for traces of life and generally illuminate the mysteries of the universe. It will feature a large mirror over 6.5 meters in diameter and a solar shield of an area equivalent to that of a tennis court.

As NASA scientist Thomas Zerbuwen said, "James Webb deserves a wait". Agree, but do not overdo it …

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