Ass. Georgiades: I am against the squat – I will not give students at the dawn of gold | POLICY


Speaker of the House of Representatives, Adonis Georgiadis, commented on SYRIZA's position in the past in the House of Representatives during the disputes over the last few days. Mr Georgiadis reiterated his disagreement over the occupations and said that he would not give the students to Golden Dawn.

Mr Georgiadis reiterated his disagreement over the occupations and said that he would not give the students to Golden Dawn.

"What will we have now?" Good squats left and bad occupations of those who do not go? "What moral stature do you now tell students not to squat?" Who did you say to students that they can blame the politicians? Have an opinion on any issues? "said Mr. Georgiadis.

"Do you remember the misfortune that occurred when the student smothered the officials?" Then you talked about the youth movement that is hiding. What moral right do you judge today? So was the movement good and now they are crouching because Macedonia is bad? Do we have good squats left and bad others? ", He added.

The response to Adoni Georgiades was given by the SYRIZA parliamentary representative, Fotini Vaki, who stressed:

"The question is not in favor of squatting, but whether we are in favor or against the school's decision, racist hatred in school. And consider your responsibilities for political clues. We should not allow the school bell to hit fascism. "

It is recalled that the Minister of Education, Kostas Gavrolgos, in his statement today, called the school boards, teachers and parents badociations of the same day. students to "isolate the fascist cries", pointing out that "recently, Golden Dawn fascists are trying to channel their poison to students and schools".

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