At the edge of the razor relations between Greece and Russia – Political News


At the edge of the razor are Athens 'relations with Moscow after the spy thriller and the complaints about Russia' s brutal interventions in northern Greece. In the next 24 hours, the Russian government will respond to the expulsions of two Russian diplomats from Athens and fears are expressed that the answer will have many steps and will undermine the relations of the two countries

Some believe that the Russian government will remain not only in the expulsion of the Greek diplomats from Moscow, but to finally put the Greco-Russian relations that are traditionally good in the "ice"

"Greece chose a camp", is the opinion predominantly of Russia that even the neutrality that showed the

With complaints about Russian spies, bribes or attempts to approach officials or soldiers not to spend the day. Prespa agreement, Greek governments, both in Crimea and Scrippal cases,

This is highlighted by Russian diplomats who may not have expected Athens to proceed. expulsion from s diplomats for the first time in the history of Greco-Russian relations

In the game and Zaev

Now the front widens after Safed's allegations that Russian businessmen would have paid sums of US $ 13,000 to US $ 21,000 for committing crimes. violent actions in view of crucial referendum

Worse still, the Buzzfeed website, without data, indicated that the Greek businessman Ivan Savvidis would have transferred funds to the FYROM in a series payments. Some were transported in cash and illegally crossed the Greek border, while other methods were not specified. But the reaction on the side of Savidis, who went into disarray, was simple. He spoke of "a totally false and highly defamatory report" and announced a recourse to justice, with a complaint and a lawsuit, against this instrument

Here we have a specific image. In Greece and Skopje, there are very serious complaints, but they are not based on irrefutable evidence, there is no prosecution, and we are all waiting to see when the details will appear, if any. , from the Russian intervention

the fact is that the Russian government is outraged by Greece because it believes that a traditional girlfriend who has never opposed it despite the pressure of the states And Europe has now chosen the camp and is against it

Low tones but …

The Greek government keeps the tones low and tries not to sink the oil.

Yesterday, Dimitris Tzanakopoulos sent a message saying "in our trial we will not tolerate behavior that does not show the necessary respect for the Greek government and the Greek state"

The government spokesman said on the issue of the two Russian diplomats: "We have taken the steps we should take and we consider that the issue is over."

However, he pointed out that the expulsion of the two diplomats that change doogh foreign policy. The government spokesman recalled the attitude of Greece in the face of pressure from Britain and the EU on Russia

The government's attempt to balance the diplomatic lines is obvious. On the one hand, do not completely disrupt the relations between Greece and Russia, but on the other hand maintain a more general theory that a foreign agent intervenes not to agree on Macedonian

. Russia or other actors, entrepreneurs, etc. who, according to the scenario, buried or blackmailed people in northern Greece to fan the people against the agreement of Prespa

There are however many in Macedonia, which emphasize the Russian penetration and l & # 39; Moscow's interest in controlling the Holy Mountain or doing business in Greece, and another the reaction against the case. "They are trying to tarnish the rallies against the use of the name of Macedonia.This is not affected in this way by more than 70% of Greeks who say" no "to the agreement, [19659002] At the same time, they point out that in similar cases, major national problems such as the Cyprus problem and the Annan plan, reaction.Remember, for example, that there were headlines that said that At least € 60 million had been allocated to pbad the Annan plan, however, there was no deportation or other reaction from Greece

Economic Relations

The fears that are now open are What will happen to Greco-Russian economic relations at all levels, Greece being strongly supported by the Russian market? The mere fact that one million Russians come every year for tourism in Greece is an important element, what will happen if Moscow raises its action and issued a tourist directive that turns tourists into "girlfriend" now Turkey

From 2015 to today, there is a steady increase in tourism on tour packages from Russia, estimated at 10% up to 20% per year

According to data from last year, the Russians and the French are the tourists who in 2017 spent more money per person than in 2016 From the data processing of the Bank of Greece, a Russian tourist 2016 he was spending for me the term 608 euros in 2017, 613.

In addition, Greek exports, especially in citrus fruits, are huge and there is a lot of money. embargo has already hit many Greek companies

According to recent data, 13.9% the value of Greek exports to the Russian Federation between January and October 2017 compared to the corresponding period of 2016, to 197.1 million d & # 39; euros.

During the same period, the value of imports from Russia increased by 30.5% to 2.82 billion euros and the volume of trade between the two countries increased, 29.2 % to 3.02 billion euros

The bilateral balance remained at the expense of our country and was raised to 2.63 billion euros

Exports to Russia amounted to 0.8% of total Greek exports, unchanged compared to January-October 2016. Imports from Russia account for 6.9% of total Greek imports, compared to 6.1% in January-October 2016. [19659002] In Greece, hundreds of Russians came to buy homes in northern Greece, not only by throwing millions rubles into Greek real estate. In addition, dozens of Russian companies have opened in our country

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