At the top of NATO, Trab | World


In the presence of his wife Melania, Donald Trab makes statements to reporters in the gardens of the White House before the presidential couple leave for Europe.

"I have to go to NATO, I have to go to the UK, get angry, and I have to meet Putin … Frankly, Putin can be the easiest of all, who would believe it?" With this question rhetoric, US President Donald Trump summed up his feelings for his friends and rivals before leaving for Brussels, the first leg of his week-long European tour Speaking to reporters in the White House gardens, Donald Trab was invited to answer when he considered the Russian president as his enemy or friend. "Frankly, I can not answer now. In my case, I would say that he is a competitor, "said the US President, who will have a summit with his Russian counterpart in Helsinki next Monday

The Messages

Today and tomorrow, Donald Trumb will represent his country at the NATO summit in the Belgian capital On the eve of the summit, he reiterated his strong criticism of the reluctance of his European allies to increase military spending at the pace that Washington would like see

"The United States spends more money than any other country to protect them. This is not fair to the American taxpayer, "wrote Trab on Twitter.In another message, he accuses Europeans of imposing high tariffs on US goods as they do not.

Trab's new complaints also explain the already heavy atmosphere in Brussels. "Dear America, to better appreciate your allies, finally, you do not have as much", European Council President Donald Tusk said in Brussels following the signing of a cooperation agreement between the EU and NATO In the same statements, the EU official stressed that he spends for defense on multiple sums of Russia and China, although he recognizes the need to increase the contribution of Europeans to NATO spending

Tomorrow Thursday, after the completion of the Alliance summit the president will visit Britain, where he will meet with Prime Minister Teresa May and Queen Elizabeth. Asked in the White House by a journalist on the question of whether, according to him, the British Prime Minister, faced with a brutal government crisis due to Brexit, must remain in power, Donald Trump has avoided supporting him. "It's a question for the British people, I'm fine with it," he said, but he did not, in response to another question, called his "friend" the Minister of Foreign Affairs resigned Boris Johnson, a disciple of the hard Brexit, because he did not rule out the possibility of meeting him and chatting with him during his visit to Britain.

A l & # 39 On the occasion of the upcoming visit to Trab, the US Embbady in London urged Americans in the British capital if violent incidents occur within the next 24 hours.About 50,000 citizens signed a call for a demonstration against the Friday's visit to Trab, although there will also be a counter-concentration of supporters of the American president who will rush to greet him

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