Athena Oikonomakou shows her gymnastics eight months after the birth of her son | New




H Athena Economakou she became manly eight months ago, bringing to her son the fruit of his love for the businessman Philip Mikhopoulos.

As she had revealed, during her pregnancy, she was not deprived of anything, so she took 23 pounds. But she managed to find her short-haired figure in a very short time.

"During pregnancy, I took 23 pounds. T.I lost almost every two months after, without any effort. There are two that I do not want to lose, because now I weigh 54 pounds " said in a recent interview.

Wednesday afternoon revealed to us the gymnastics that he had decided to start in order to completely restore his body to its original form. This is none other than Kick Boxing, a kind of gym that promises immediate results and a good well-being.

In the photos we see the actress with the appropriate gloves posing with her coach outside the arena.

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