Athinagoras Kostakos: Mpampas for the second time


He is known as "conductor of Greek cuisine". But the winner of the leader ANT1 Topp, Athinagoras Kostakos, who no longer lives in Greece, moved to Britain a few months ago and wanted to share pleasantly with his friends online.

The chef, who opened his own pioneering restaurant in the UK, announced Wednesday morning in his personal account on Instagram that he had become dad for the second time since his wife, Andy Barzoka, had brought a baby in. good health in the world.

The couple also had a little girl, Artemis, 2 years old, and now, happy dad shared the first picture that he took with his newborn son at the maternity ward.

"D.D Kostakos Junior – One of the best days of my life," he writes in his caption.

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