Attack against Libek: there is no sign of terrorism


Foreign countries or their secret services are probably behind the biggest cyber-attack Singapore has ever seen, according to security experts who rely on the size and complexity of the attack . Singapore authorities have announced that hackers have broken a government database and stolen health records from 1.5 million people in Singapore, including Prime Minister Li Hsien Lung.

The Singaporean Minister of Health said: that the attack was "deliberate, focused and well-designed and not the work of hackers or criminal organizations."

Authorities declined to comment on the identity of hackers citing security concerns, but experts told AFP that and that it focuses on high-level targets, such as the prime minister, refers to a foreign country.

A person's health data interest the authors because they can use them as a blackmail weapon to power persons, headed by Jeff Middleton, the chief of Lantium's Cyber ​​Security Advisor.

"A lot of information about a person's health can be caught by the medications that he receives. Any unpublished health information may be used for extortion. Russian intelligence services have a long tradition. "

Hackers used a computer infected with malware to access the database between June 27 and July 4, and before administrators detected an" unusual activity "authorities.

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